
I worked for six months in Scarborough, and lived next to the Castle. It is a very picturesque town, with many contrasts and in close proximity to lovely countryside. The town also gets a good deal of sunshine since it is on the East coast.

South Bay panorama: The castle in the middle background, with the harbour to the right and old town middle left. The Grand Hotel is immediately on the left.
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North Bay at dusk: This view was from the northern side of my flat.
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The harbour: Scarborough's small harbour gives refuge to fishing vessels, pleasure boats and yatchs.

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Fishing: Taken with the Nikon FM3a and a 50mm f/1.2 wide open.
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City Hall: A view of the harbour with the municipal offices on the left.
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Mystery: Robin Hood's Bay, low tide and this wheel chair was seemingly abandoned.
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St Mary's: St Mary's is adjacent to the castle, and immediately across the road from my flat. The bell ringing became a bit much in the end! I was also quite amazed at the number of visitors to Anne Bronte's grave.

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The Castle: Prominent on the headland and a fixture since Roman times, Scarborough's castle and its surrounds provided me with many photographic opportunities.

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