Winter 2012

16 Mar 2012: Writing the book has been taking up most of my time, so not many photos! Another band gig, this time Jonny Goode at the Black Horse in Grassington.

Here's a link to his web site... Jonny Goode
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27 Jan 2012: It's been a while and the photo trigger is getting rusty. I was asked to shoot a local band called In Between Echoes whilst they performed at the 360 Club in Leeds. The muscic was good and the vide very pleasant. Photography on the other hand... low light, variable colour, no tripod or flash, ambient light only, and no VR lenses. The crowd were keen and the venue quite happy to let photogs crawl all about the place.
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13 Nov 2011: I'd promised Mark at work that I'd come and take some pictures of them playing football, and I really need to keep the skills sharp - it's easy to forget how to anticipate fast paced action. Unfortunately the fog was so thick I could not see one end of the pitch to the other, but I did manage to get this one!
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12 Nov 2011: Off to work on a cold Saturday morning. The Aire Valley was misty, with a pretty moon shining down. Trolleys were caught in the open by the early dawn, and the yard was just warming in the early light.
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6 Nov 2011: First camera outing in months.
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