Winter 2010

19 Mar 2010: Birthday party at the Hindu Temple, with Chetan's son turning one.
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13 Mar 2010: Angram Reservoir, above Scarhouse that I visited on the 19th September 2009.
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07 Mar 2010: Up Pen-y-Ghent in the snow. The climb up and down was about 8 miles in total, and quite warm. Naturally being a macho South African requires one to dress inappropriately for the conditions... here
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01 Mar 2010: Published! My first magazine cover - OK, it's not Vogue, but I'll settle for a small trade rag for now. It wasn't the best snap of the bunch, but given the weather on the day anything is better than nothing. Now, if only they credited me or asked for permission...
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28 Feb 2010: Pen-y-Ghent from Lockley Beck. Whilst the deep drifts have disappeared, a cold wintery landscape persists in the Dales.
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21 Feb 2010: A walk in the park.
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14 Feb 2010: Red Kite diving for its breakfast at Harewood House.
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07 Feb 2010: Well, I have finally received a date for my viva - the 29th April. That will make it six months from submission to viva, although I've heard of some waiting a year for theirs! Teaching has been busy, and I worked all Saturday on preparing a new module lecture, so the jaunt to Lincoln was much needed. This is an old part of town, with the Cathedral looming behind.
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16 Jan 2010: The snow has not disappeared from higher ground. This was the road from Settle to Malham. It started off OK, but became more and more snowbound. Ultimately it was only fit for 4x4s, or crazy South Africans! Some kind soul had obviously cleared the road, or the six foot deep snow drifts would be impassable.
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05 Jan 2010: Day 3 of the Golden Acre sandwich saga. Nevertheless I decided to go to work. Snow chains may give traction but I need to find a solution for the front wheel (or stop riding when there is a foot of snow about). The top image is what a bike looks like after riding in this stuff!
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03 Jan 2010: Lots of snow - ironic given the global warming conference has just finished. Golden Acre's residents were up and about as usual, and I even had a blue tit hover above my hand to take some seeds. The bacon roll from the cafe wasn't so great, and have regretted eating it for days.
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31 Dec 2009: Stag at Lotherton Hall, jousting with another stag and a pile of branches.
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27 Dec 2009: A drive out to Kettlewell. Most of the larger roads are clear, the snow has begun to melt and the River Wharfe is filling up.
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25 Dec 2009: Beautiful clear skies and snow. Happy Christmas!
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24 Dec 2009: Christmas Eve party carols at Sam and Ray's place.
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24 Dec 2009: More snow! I'm not sure if I'll get to Ray's Christmas Eve party tonight, but it'll be worth a try.
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22 Dec 2009: Another cold ride to work today, with the temperature at minus 5.5 degrees Centigrade when I left for work. The canals are frozen in places, and untreated roads are best avoided.
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18 Dec 2009: The first snowy morning commute of the season. Minus 2 degrees C and a few cars had already compacted the snow into ice by the time I left, so things were slippery.
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17 Dec 2009: First snow of the season. This was the back garden when I arrived home from work.
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13 Dec 2009: After three days of indexing my research literature and tweaking the document management system, a breath of fresh air was needed. This field of stubble near Eccup Reservoir reflects the tone of things - nothing exciting, just have to make do with what lies before us.
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06 Dec 2009: It was like a horror movie. A dozen squirrels waiting to attack for a couple of peanuts in Golden Acre. This character had his nose right in the lens, and moments later bit me on the finger (probably because I didn't have any nuts in my hand).
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